How chords get there names!
Oh, and right now i am teaching all what i know, its limited but i want all of yall to be at the point where i am now, i wnat all of you guys to know exaclty what i know... so here we go.
Now this is the only way i can explain this as easy as possible so all of yall could understand, so please bare with me if it is confusing... But this is your guitar neck, the brown bar at the top is the very top, the end away from the body and the notes above are the names given to the corrisponding strings (just like the tabs but instead of horizontal, this picture virtical). The Blue lines are frets, nothing special yet, just labeling things for ya. The red line is the fifth fret. All the letters and stuff inbetween the frets are the notes, they reprsent the names that are given to each position of the strings when they are pressed at certain frets. *phew* that was alot... but it gets easier, lol.
It would be awosme if u could memorize this but i'm in no way expecting any of yall to do so... all you should do us try to consitrate on a few notes at a time and try to not just know but to understand what i'm explianing.
Now this picture is a representation of an E chord, recognize the chord and see it in your head... The green dots are where your fingers are. And the Yellow dot is called the bass note, or root note. Notice the root note is the "E" note... BOOM, thats where tha name of the chord comes from.
Lets try the D chord... the D chord finger placement will be represented by the green dots and the root will be highlighted with a yellow dot!
Starting to see the pattern? But notice on this one the root is one of the notes pressed down... but it dosn't make a difference. The C note is pressed and it is also the root wich gives it its name the C Chord.
Oh, the F chord will be fun to show, this chord was the starting of me understand how and why chords got there names! SEE!!! the F note is pressed in tun gives the name of the chord!!!
If u still don't get it staring at the screen won't help... try these things with the other chords that you now know... see if you can get it that way. Find th way you learn things best and stick with that wether it be by these lectures, pictures or you reading alittle and trying out for yourself...
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