Am my butt!
OK, yall are going to be learning an Am (small "m" is for minor). This is it tabbed out.
Now i color coded it for a reason... Your pointer finger (finger #1 we'll call it) should be pressed on the 2nd string (the B string) at the 1st fret. Your middle finger (finger #2) is placed at the 4th string (D string) at the 2nd fret. And your ring finger (finger # 3) is pressed down on the 3rd string (G string... not the underwear) 2nd fret.
OK, not hard huh. Heres a picture of it just to help out if your still confused, but really try to learn and understand how tabs are written b/c you can't have tons of pitures for every chord you'll come up to when your wanting to learn a new song off the net. So really try to make an effert to understand what i'm trying to get across and how the mechanics of tabs work so you can be able to read as quick as you can the Bearstien Bears!
So this will conclude this tutorial, small and short... but it wasn't that hard to explain, haha. Now yall at least have two chords you can start working on and getting use to swtching back and forth to.
In the next turorial i'll be explaining roots, what they are, what role they play in your uhh, plyaing and why you give the name of a chord that certain letter... All to the best of my ability of course. I am still pretty limited on what I can teach yall b/c I don't know much myself, but what i'm trying to do here is teach anyone and everyone everyhting I know up to this point. And as I learn more I will post it here so everyone can be going at the same pace. Sooner or later i'd love to post videos somehow and put up tabs of songs i'm learning or have written so we can all be learning together and help eachother out... For those few that acually read this, lol...
Well keep workin on those callusses and be patiant, all this takes time.
<======)==@ (sword) gabe
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