Friday, December 23, 2005

Em is for easy!

I guess we should start out by explaining the strings... There are six strings on a normal guitar, the top string (E) is the thickest string and the thinnest string (small e).


^this above is called tab, its an easier way for reading guitar music. Each letter represents each string, the big (6)E being on the bottem (the thickest) and the small (1)e being on the top (the thinnest) and all the strings inbetween in a normal tuning. You should make an effort to memorize and learn these notes and/or names of the strings hardcore! It will totally help you out!!!

pretty simple huh?


Uh oh!!! What tha heck do thos numbers meen? Nah, simple, this is tabbing a chord. You know those funny metal bars on the neck of your guitar? Thos are called frets, they are very special but we'll get into that later. All you have to know is that when you see those "2"s on the tab, that meens you push down the A and D string on th second fret, or the 4th and 5th string on the 2nd fret. Now make sure your not pressing directly on the frets but inbetween the frets. Heres a picture of wat it will look like.

Oh and by the way this is an Em (small "m" meens minor) chord!

Now you may hear some buzzing and that may be due to you eather: not pushing hard enough, being to far back from the fret, you fingers touching other strings. Don't worry if your fingers hurt, they should. It just meens your fingtips aren't use to the strings yet, but they will adjust and grow calluses wich are pretty cool if you ask me.

So... that wasn't to bad ehh? This will go alot faster as we all get a hang of my teaching style and stuff. Once yall get a hold of readin tabs then this can go so much faster... soon i'll start explaining the bass notes of chords, why they get there name and all that music theory crap! But i'm just keeping it simple fur ya!

But until the next post, practice practice... even though theres one chord, haha... uhh, use google.

<======)==@ (sword) gabe


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