Fret not, but acually do...
okok... now here comes the baring stuff, sorta tuff but by now your fingers should have strengthened alittle... if not then don't worry about it, i don't expect any of yall to go through this whole tutorial all at once. "whats baring" you ask, well its when you place your finger down on the neck over the strings to cover more then one string at a time....
Well work on an F wich looks like this tabbed:
And it should be played looking like this:
Make sure your baring finger is pressed firmly down on the E (thats now an F note wich gives it its name) string and on B (thats now a B# or Cb) and e (now is an F) string... It'll take time to get but don't fret, you will get it sooner or later it Jesus name! Just keep working on the chords you can do and your fingers will strengthen!
Keep it up 'ol chap
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