Finger Finatic
Ok, I guess I should strieghten out the finger deally before we get any farther... I have dicided to color code your right hand so it'll be easier to read the tabs. I'll just asign certain colors to your left hand fingers.
Pointer finger is RED
Middle finger is GREEN
Ring finger is YELLOW
Pinky is BlUE
Middle finger is GREEN
Ring finger is YELLOW
Pinky is BlUE
Not that hard right? You don't have to memorize this, its just here if you need it for reference like if you don't undestand how to finger a chord or don't understand the picture... or possibly don't understand anything ever about anything... j/k...
Your thumb will be "T"
Pointer "1"
Middle "2"
Pinky "4"
Pretty self explanatory by the picture anyway. This is just for futrue reference... also Its been on my mind to put it up but i couldn't wait any longer... haha.
Now one thing to remember if you guys want to start finger picking is that there a a few rules you HAVE TO go by to make perfect practice. Your thumb will ALWAYS (99% of the time anyway) take control and pick the top low end strings, the fat ones, E A and D. And your three other fingers, fingers 1-3 will ALWAYS (99.9% of the time) be on there corrisponding string. Like your 1 finger will always be on the G string (third string), your 2nd finger will always be on the B (second string) and your 3rd finger will always be on the e string (first string)! Your 4th finger will hardly ever be use so don't worry about it at this point, just curl it up out of your way or you can use to to stabalize your right hand by placing it on the boddy to give some support wile your playing.
But I will explina these more into detail, but it is so frig'n important that you stick to these rules... its for the benifit of your future guitar playing!!!
<=======(===@ gabe
"For perfect practice you must practice perfect"
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